Songtext CD "66"


Let It Go
(Las es los)       
Words + Musig Toni Vescoli

Translation: Eric St. Michaels


  Mundart Hauch-Deutsch Englisch

You hold tight on all that you have.
You can’t break free.
The water keeps rising and it’s covering you.

You have no air to breath.
No power to come out from under.
No more space, you find no peace.

    Look at the last shirt you will wear.
    It doesn’t have any pockets because,
    You can’t take anything with you.
    No jewelry, no money.

    But what you are taking with you
    Is worth more than gold.
    It’s all you experience, that’s your pay.

        So let it go, so let it go
        So let it go, let it go

Many things belong to you.
But who do you belong to?
What has you under control?

You don’t have to answer me.
This is not an interview.
You’re the captain on your ship.

    Look at the last shirt you will wear.
    It doesn’t have any pockets because,
    You can’t take anything with you.
    No jewelry, no money.

    But what you are taking with you,
    Is worth more than gold.
    It’s all you’re experience, that’s your pay.

        So let it go, so let it go
        So let it go, let it go

You still have so many plans.
You still have so much to do.
Your life is too short for all of that.

It doesn’t all have to come to be.
Take it with a sense of humor.
There will be enough things to do in your next life.

    That which you take with you,
    Is what you start with.
    Your experiences are all still there.

    That which you leave behind,
    Cannot hurt you anymore.
    It will melt away like yesterday’s snow.

        So let it go, so let it go
        So let it go, let it go

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