Songtext CD "66"


Lady Lo  
Words + Musig Toni Vescoli

Translation: Eric St. Michaels


  Mundart Hauch-Deutsch Englisch

It is really time after so many years
It is now finally time
A love song for you
I’ll write it on the wall in graffiti

    What shall I write, I find no words
    Words are not clear enough
    They don’t really say anything
    Our language is unusable
    So I’ll just write: “Lady Lo!”

        Lady Lo, Lady Lo, Just like that
        Just like that Lady Lo, Lady Lo

It’s just for you what I wish to sing
It’s just for us and nobody else
It needs no words because words are too much
The magic would disappear

    What should I sing, what kind of words
    Words like “wonderful”
    Are somehow just words
    They say nothing. Only feelings are clear.
    So I just sing: Lady Lo

        Lady Lo, Lady Lo, Just like that
        Just like that Lady Lo, Lady Lo

        I guess you know it anyway
        I guess you hear it for sure

        Ladybug, Bunny like that..
        I could sing you a whole zoo

        Now I’ll try it this way:
        “Babe’ I love you so!”

        And in my Dialect in sounds like:
        “Oh, ich lieb Dich so!”

        Lady Lo, Lady Lo, Just like that
        Just like that Lady Lo, Lady Lo

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